

Dixit is loveling illustrated game of creative guesswork, where your imagination unlocks the tale! Using a deck of cards illustrated with dreamlike images, players select cards that match a title suggested by the "storyteller", and attempt to guess which card the "storyteller" selected.

Preparing the game

Unfold and place the scoreboard in the middle of the table. Each player chooses a voting board and then places the rabbit of the corresponding colour on the 0 space of the scoreboard. The 84 image cards are shuffled and 6 are dealt to each player. The remaining image cards form the draw pile. Each player takes only 1 voting token (no matter the color).
Note: the image cards in your hand must not be seen by the other players.

Beginning of the round

The Storyteller

One of the players is the storyteller for the turn. He or she examines the 6 image cards in their hand. Using one of them, they think of something to say and say it out loud (without revealing their card to the other players). What they say can take various forms: it can be made up of one or several words, or even be nothing more than an onomatopoeia. It can be invented from scratch or take the form of works already existing (a line or two from a poem or song, the title of a movie or some other work, a proverb, etc.).

Handing the image cards to the storyteller

The other players choose from among their 6 image cards the one they believe best illustrates what the storyteller has said. Each then gives their chosen image to the storyteller, without letting the other players see it. The storyteller shuffles the given image cards with his or her own, before revealing them randomly on the image spaces numbered 1 to 12 on the scoreboard.

Finding the storyteller’s image: the vote

The goal for the players is to find the image of the storyteller from among those revealed. Each player secretly votes for the image they believe to be the storyteller’s (the storyteller does not participate) by using their voting board. For example, if a player believes that image number 3 is the storyteller’s, that player will place their voting token on space number 3 of their tablet. Once everyone has voted, each player reveals their voting board, and the storyteller reveals which was his or her image.


- If all players find the storyteller’s image, or if no player finds it, the storyteller scores no points and the other players each score 2 points.
- In any other case, the storyteller scores 3 points as does any player who has found the storyteller’s image.
- Each player other than the storyteller scores 1 bonus point for each vote earned by his or her image (to a maximum of 3 bonus points).
The players move their rabbit token on the score track as many spaces as they've gained points.

End of the game

The game ends when one player reaches 30 points. The player with the most points at the end of the turn is the winner.